
Watch and Pray

7th Nissan 6000

G-d rested on the 7th Day of Creation
White as Snow is all He sees
Big Snow Flakes, Little Snow Flakes
A Blanket so White to cover the Earth
Our sins were Red as Scarlet
But He made them White as Snow

G-d is pleased with what He sees
Dressed in White are those He chose
Sit still & know I am Your L-rd G-d
From Me - to Me - Through Me you'll grow
Follow Me, sin no more, be White as Snow
My sheep hear My voice, I'm the Shepherd
Follow Me & I'll call your Name to Fame

Heaven is My Throne, Earth My Footstool
Come all of you, hungry  &  heavy laden
Trust only the very Best, I give Rest
Don't be a fool, join us at the Pool

O Jerusalem - O Heavenly Jersualem
Peace be within your Walls
The Kingdom of Heaven is in Your Heart
My Yoke is Easy - My Burden is Light
Follow Me - Y'SHUA Ha-Mashiach
Saved you'll finally do your Part

Y'shua came to set you free
Free from Bondage and sin
He shed His Blood for you on the Tree
White as Snow He washed your Sin
Surrender all to Him and Win
Today the Kingdom Age begins

By Monique
Inspired by God


Watch and Pray