You Are So Beautiful
O My Lord - O My Savior
How beautiful you are
I gaze upon Your Face
Pure Love is all I see
A love so Unconditional
My eyes swell up with Tears
Unworthy I am of a Love so pure
Made White by the Blood that's Yours
I bow before your Heavenly Throne
No longer any Tears, no pain, no groans
O My Lord - O My Savior
How Beautiful You are
I have loved You from the Day You came in
You entered my Heart to be with me & me with You
At first I gave you just a little Corner
Then two Corners, then the upper Half
Then You required all I had
"Do you trust Me? Do you trust Me?" You asked
So in faith I stepped out, again & again & again
I made you My Guide, My Love,
My Life, My Breath,
My Friend, My Husband, My Counselor, My Everything
Unworthy as I was, You loved me from the Start
This world does not understand
What a Love so pure can mend
A Heart broken is but a small Token
Because the LORD has spoken
Only when your Heart is broken
With pain as deep as an Ocean
So that HE can fill you with His Emotion
O Holy Spirit come, O Holy Spirit come
How beautiful You are
Come Lord Jesus, Come!
A great Multitude from every Nation
From all Tribes, Peoples and Tongues
Shall bow down before You in Adoration
You Alone are worthy - the Lamb of God -
Salvation belongs to our God
Who sits on the Throne and to the Lamb -
No longer in Bondage but born to be free
Free from Bondage & Sin now set out to win
For when the Son of God sets you Free
You are free indeed, free indeed
Washed are their robes, made white in
the Blood of the sinless Lamb to serve Him
Day and Night they worship at His Temple
In Adoration Heaven and Earth become One
How Beautiful You are
O my Lord, O my Savior,
Jesus the Christ
Y'shua Ha-Mashiach
Rev. 7:9, 14-16
By Monique - 4/28/07 - 2nd
Reading 1st Communion Sunday
A Beautiful Photograph of Jesus

This photo is from a photographer who visited
Frà Elia, a stigmatized priest who lives here
in Italy. This is what happened: this photographer
wanted a proof of the existance of Jesus, so
Frà Elia asked him to take just one photo to a
white wall near him. But the photographer took
24 photos sequencially. Photos resulted all
blank, except one, this one.