O My Rebellious Son
O My Rebellious Son
Come back to Me again
I will heal you from your Pain
Only by trusting in Me will you gain
The Road has been hard and long
Your Faith tested almost beyond
Every step of the Way I was with you
Even when you thought I had gone away
You searched for My sense of Humor
It seemed I had forgotten you as they Rumor
Nothing could be further from the Truth
I long to hold you, love you, heal you
Return to Me - Only that is the Truth
My Life I gave for you My Blood washed away your Sins
To accept My Sacrifice you must Believe
Accept this White Robe and trust in Me
Fully forgiven, live in Victory
By the Power of My precious Blood
Enter the Kingdom of Heaven above
You are My Son - My Chosen One
My Firstborn and Only Son
My Father in Heaven & you are One
By Monique Inspired by God 9/17/1998
 Return of the Prodigal Son (Rembrandt) |