
Watch and Pray


Are you a Foreigner
or are you one of us?
Those were the words spoken
To the one whose Heart was broken
The Book of Ruth read on that day
5-22-1999 to 5-22-2007 Eve of Shavuot
Shavuot it is again on this very day

Ruth said:
Do not ask me to
abandon or forsake you
For wherever you go, I will go
Wherever you lodge, I will lodge,
Your people shall be my people
And your God my God
Wherever you die, I will die
And there be buried
May the Lord do so to me
& more besides
If aught but death
separates me from you

Thus says Ruth:
"I am your servant Ruth
Spread the Corner
of your Cloak over me"
And Boaz answered:
"May the Lord bless you, be assured,
I will do whatever you say
For you are a worthy woman
Tomorrow I will claim you for myself"
And so it happened. Boaz married Ruth
And the Elders at the Gate said:
May the Lord make this wife
come into your House
Like Rachel and Leah
Who between them built up
The House of Israel
Thus to Boaz & Ruth was born Obed
Obed, the father of Jesse
Jesse, the Father of David
Who became King of Israel

Thus a Foreigner became the
Great-Great Grandmother
of the Greatest King : King David
Hosanna to the Son of David
Blessed is he who comes in the
Name of the Lord
Hosanna in the Highest
The Stone that the Builders rejected
Has become the Cornerstone
By the Lord has this been done
And it is marvelous in our eyes
Come to the banquet 
The Feast is ready
Many are invited but few are chosen
The Lord said to my lord
"Sit at my right hand
until I place your enemies
under your feet"
If David calls him "LORD"
how can he be his son?
Who has gone up to Heaven
and come down again
What is his name
What is His Son's Name
Surely you know (Prov. 30:4)
His Son's name
Y'Shua Ha-Mashiach
Jesus the Christ
Accept Him - and win
The Kingdom Age begins

By Monique
Inspired by God 5/17/2007

Read Monique's story that goes
with this poem here.


Watch and Pray