
Watch and Pray


In the Beginning  G-d created the Magnificient 7's
7 Words - from Beginning to End - created Heaven & Earth
7th Day is His day of Rest after He labored for only six
7 Days is all it took - 7 Days to complete  the World
7 Continents, 7 Seas, 7 Blessings
3 in the Morning & 4 at Night
7 Names are those of our Great Ancestors
    Abraham, Isaac, Jacob(3),
Moses, Aaron, Joseph, David (4)
7 Holidays in the Jewish Year - from Rosh Hashana in
the 7th month, to Yom Kippur, Sukkot, Chanukah, Purim,
Passover and finally Shavuot after 7 x 7 Days = 49
of counting the Omer
7 Branches of the Menorah illuminating  the Temple
the Eternal Light for all the Nations

With this many Sevens  - we must be in 7th Heaven
Even as Ruth was better to Naomi than 7 Sons
So many more Heavenly Sevens could be recounted
His  eyes foresaw my Actions before Day 1,2,3 or Day 7
In His Book all are written down in Heaven
My days were shaped before even One came to be
It is true - His Word says so in Psalm 139:16
How precious to me are Your Designs, O God,
How vast the sum of them - who can count the sevens?

7 x 7 x 7 = 343

By Monique
Inspired by God


7 x 7 x 7 = 343 / 3+4+3 = 10
On Mount Sinai He wrote them with His Pen
His Law He'll write on the Heart that is circumsized
Love the Lord your God with all your Heart,
Mind, Soul & Strength, then Love your Neighbor
as yourselves, such is His Commandment # 11
And we shall say: All that God has spoken
we shall do & hear - God's tablets are not broken

He sees a Chosen Race, a Royal Priesthood,
a Holy Nation, a People of God's own Possession
We proclaim the Excellencies of Him
Who has called us out of Darkness
into His marvellous Light
A Second Chance is on the Way
Shavuoth is His Chosen Day
(starts Sundown 5th Sivan
6007 = 5/22/2007)

To learn more about the meaning of the
Number Seven in the Bible, read
this article from the Bible Wheel site.

Watch and Pray