Son of Israel
Son of Israel, hear Me, I am Your God
Repent and turn from your wicked
You are My chosen one, you are My Son
My ways are higher than your
Surely My ways are higher than your ways
As the Heavens are above
the Earth
I never said you couldn't walk in My ways
Now learn to walk in
My ways
Turn to Me, Ligthening will strike the Earth
I gave you the Light of Salvation
On the Cross He died for you
Again we will be reunited - Me and you
Hear My voice, near is your Salvation
Jesus / Y'shua came to set you free
Free from Bondage and sin
Suffer He did on the Cross for you
His Blood washed away your sin
White is the Name I chose for you
For you are to be Whiter than Snow
Let me create a new clean Heart in you
Fully forgiven you are washed & white as Snow
I am Your Lord God - Love is in My Heart
Your Love is all I require
To fulfill your heart's desire
Love Me with all your soul Be worthy of my Love for you
Your Promises fulfilled is My Goal
True thanks is all I want from you
The Blessings that come from above are true
Everlasting is My love for you
But first you must return to Me
Together at last - you and Me
By Monique Inspired by God - 10/16/1996
